
In The News

BREAKPOINT's John Stonestreet Commentary asks HARD QUESTIONS


See today's BREAKPOINT commentary where John Stonestreet asks "Hard Questions" about Marriage, Same-Sex Marriage, and Birth Control.Mr. Stonestreet urges Christians to realize that "we have chosen to embrace [birth control] on the same terms of our hyper-sexualized culture. In light of the rush to completely divorce sex from marriage, hard thinking about contraception is long overdue. Let’s get started." He also says that historically, "marriage and procreation" were connected and that the modern "disconnection has become one of our culture’s default settings. How this came to be is the subject of a MUST-SEE FILM entitled “Birth Control: How Did We Get Here?” The film is the first in a two-part series, and nearly all of the people appearing in it are evangelical leaders."See the full commentary at

In The News

“Having a baby stresses a relationship – it never fixes one.”

Here is short article jam-packed with non-Biblical advice.

  • This articles sets forth the worldview of modern family planning.
  • Family planning is normal.
  • The couple may not be married.
  • Premarital relations are normal, and even so while in an “unstable” relationship.
  • Bickering and fighting in relationships is normal, but requires professional help.
  • Babies bring more stress into relationships.
  • Personal goals are more important than babies, even a frivolous trip.
  • Educational goals are more important than babies.
  • Career goals are more important than babies.
  • It is normal for mothers to work, while leaving there babies to the care of others.
  • It is fine to put off having a baby while you are young.
  • It is acknowledged that if you want a baby, you can’t put it off as fertility declines with age.
  • Babies stress finances, so it is risky to have a baby.
  • Finances are more important than babies.
  • Additional babies take away from time with spouse and the other children; babies may damage other relationships.
  • One should write out the pros and cons of having additional babies.
  • Spacing out children is a good idea; having them too close together is a bad idea.
  • It’s unhealthy to have babies too close together.
  • The personality of children already in the home are an important factor in determining if/when to have the next child.
  • A couple tries to have, or tries to not have, a baby.

Two statements worth noting:

  • Having a baby stresses a relationship – it never fixes one.
  • While there’s never a “perfect” time to have a baby, you should wait for a “good” time.

In The News

Medicating against Motherhood?

As the Pill Turns 50, a New Generation Seeks to Rediscover Marital Chastity

By Robert C. Baker

Celebrated around the world, Mother’s Day is a holiday devoted to honoring motherhood in general and one’s own mother in particular. This Mother’s Day, mothers and grandmothers will receive cards, letters, flowers, candy, telephone calls, and even text messages from their children and grandchildren, who will shower them with love and affection. Mothers, after all, are those who have given us birth or who have adopted us and loved us as one of their own. However, this year’s Mother’s Day takes on a different hue and cast: it coincides with an anniversary devoted not to being a mother. May 9, 2010, you see, is also the fiftieth anniversary of the FDA’s approval of the oral contraceptive commonly known as “the Pill”—now the most frequently prescribed drug worldwide.


In The News

9 Worst Birth Control Mistakes

CAUTION: This article is somewhat graphic:

COMMENTS: Note the worldly mindset of this article.

  • It does not mention God as the Creator of all life.
  • It assumes that pregnancies are planned by man.
  • Unintended pregnancies are to be feared.
  • It does not assume the marriage bond.
  • It offers no cautions or health concerns related to various methods.
  • It cares not whether some birth control methods causes abortions or have abortifacient properties.
  • It assumes total lack of self-control – since some birth control methods take a few days to start working – to that extent that one needs “backup methods” until it takes effect.
  • The concept of abstinence is never mentioned.
  • Even “more natural methods” are not mentioned.
  • One must have multiple methods available at all times to be ready just in case.
  • The extent of planning and research and care and caution required to avoid pregnancy is somewhat astounding.
  • Planned Parenthood, the U.S. top provider of abortion services, is advised as a good source for more information.
  • Birth control is assumed as a good and necessary part of the lives of all people


Allan Carlson Interview Completed!

Allan Carlson, author of Godly Seed, stopped by our set in Rockford, IL today. We asked him some questions and got his perspective as a historian on how birth control has become a major issue for the Christian church toady. We appreciate his articulate and insightful words on the miriade of problems that have arisen due to the fundamental shift in the theology of the evangelical church in the mid-twentieth century. We are excited to share with you everything we are learning and discussing out here on the road. In the meantime, grab a copy of Godly Seed and start reading about it now!

In The News

A Relentless Desire for Mastery and Control

The progressive fascination with eugenics largely ended with World War II and the horrors wrought by National Socialism. But while the West has discarded the theory of the eugenics era, the practice urged by Fisher and others — the elimination or pre-emption, through careful reproductive planning, of the weaker members of the human species — has become a more realistic possibility than it ever was in the 1920s and ’30s. Read the rest of the story at


Botkin Interview Completed!

We've finally begun production and we're excited to announce that we completed our first interview for the film with Mr. Geoff Botkin. We couldn't have asked for a better interview. We captured over three hours of content. Mr. Botkin brought amazing wisdom and incredible insight to our arguments and his passion for the message is invigorating! We can't wait to share with you what we are capturing and learning.

The biggest testament to the film and to this message was seeing it lived out.  After the interview, we were invited to dinner with the Botkin family. Not including us, there were 16 people present for dinner. Everyone was enjoying the fellowship and each person was helping prepare for dinner. There was no hint of hindrance or burden from having these children. We each caught ourselves saying "I cannot wait to have this large of a family." It's like the best birthday celebration, every evening of the week.

We'll be posting soon with updates from our next interview on our trip around the country. Stay tuned!


Allan Carlson Confirmed

BIRTH CONTROL: Is It Up to Us? confirms today that Allan Carlson, author of the book Godly Seed: American Evangelicals Confront Birth Control, 1873-1973, will appear in our film.  A true must read for any Christian, Godly Seed is hard-hitting and unrelenting.  Carlson's voice will strengthen our film by helping lay a foundation for American Evangelicalism.  We’re grateful for his cooperation and we look forward to interviewing him soon.

In The News

Birth Control An "Unfruitful Work of Darkness"

In 1930, for the first time ever, the Church changed their view on Birth Control. This was the beginning of the rapid descent of the Church into modernism in the 20th century. Shortly after this disastrous decision, theologian and bishop Charles Gore authored a response:

"There is nothing really more astonishing than that in the course of nature a spiritual power so great as the production of a new personality, destined for immortal life, should have been entrusted by God to that in man which is so easily misled and misused as his sexual instincts and powers. But so it is. And the propagation of the species is in the order of nature judged to be of such importance that man is, like the lower animals, induced to it, with all its attendant pains and cares, by a desire more passionate and a pleasure more intense attaching to the sexual act than to almost any other kind of human action. But the justification of the pleasure lies primarily in its direction towards the end of propagation. This is assuredly the lesson of biology and the lesson of Holy Scripture and of Church tradition. Mankind in its willfulness has been always seeking to separate the pleasure from its end by different kinds of practices which have been condemned by the Church as unnatural. The Church has regarded Birth Prevention as sinful because....

Read Gore's full response to "Birth Prevention" at